Huib Lebbing
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Huib staat aan het hoofd van Houthoffs Public Law, Investigations & Corporate Crime praktijk.
Hij is gespecialiseerd in civiele aansprakelijkheidszaken, voornamelijk in het kader van Health and Safety law. Hij procedeert, adviseert en voert vertrouwelijke interne onderzoeken uit bij cliënten in verband met compliance op het gebied van health & safety regulations. Huib is een ervaren litigator en treedt als 'defence counsel' op in mediagevoelige en complexe zaken, voornamelijk op het gebied van gezondheid- en veiligheidclaims, o.a. in collectieve acties ('class actions'), maar ook met betrekking tot product liability en compliance op het gebied van werkgeversaansprakelijkheid. Hij adviseert brancheorganisaties en bedrijven die geconfronteerd met de gevolgen van een grootschalig ongeluk of calamiteit.
RecommendedLegal 500, Healthcare and Life sciences (2024 Edition)
RecommendedLegal 500, Class Actions (2024 Edition)
RecommendedLegal 500, Insurance (2024 Edition)
"A client mentions that Huib is 'a legal expert in his field of expertise, but also brings in-depth knowledge on other aspects of the case'."Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
"A client mentions: 'Huib is good at high-level summaries and drilling deeper if needed'."Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
"A client says: 'Huib is articulate and clear'."Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
RecommendedLegal 500, Insurance (2023 Edition)
- Nederlands Recht (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Advised the on the Toronto Stock Exchange listed WSP Global Inc., one of the world's leading professional services firms providing engineering and design services to clients in the Transportation & Infrastructure, Property & Buildings, Environment, Power&Energy, Resources and Industry sector as well as offering strategic advisory services, on the acquisition of multidisciplinary consultancy- and engineering firm Lievense
Assisting Verwater Group in their crisis management and legal affairs in the acute phase of a huge asbestos contamination involving delivery of asbestos' contaminated grit
Counsel to the Dutch Association of Insurers to advise the industry and the Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering on strategic matters concerning occupational exposure to Chrome-6
Defense counsel to Waagner Biro, the design-build contractor for the machinery of the Botlek Bridge in the Netherlands, which is the world's biggest vertical lift bridge, and its insurers in liability issues against a joint venture consisting of a.o. Strabag, Strukton and Ballast Nedam
Advising the world's largest privately owned global tank container leasing company in dealings with the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT).
Represented a.o. Alcodis S.A. in an agrifood product liability matter involving product recalls in several countries worldwide.
Represented Goodyear Dunlop in litigation resulting from a series of incidents.
Defense counsel to Vetropack Holding AG in a product recall claim against a Dutch worldwide Brewery.