Thomas Stouten

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Thomas is gespecialiseerd in internationale arbitrage onder auspiciën van de ICC, LCIA, SIAC, DIAC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, UNUM en NAI en ook in gerechtelijke procedures, waaronder post-arbitragegeschillen (zowel in Nederland als op de Nederlandse Caraïben). Hij heeft uitgebreide ervaring in complexe geschillen, vaak met multi-jurisdictionele aspecten, over een breed scala aan kwesties die voortvloeien uit zowel commerciële als zakelijke transacties. Vanwege zijn internationale rechtspraktijk heeft Thomas ook gewerkt op zowel het New Yorkse als het Londense kantoor van Houthoff.

De ICC World Council heeft Thomas benoemd als lid voor Nederland van het ICC Court of International Arbitration in Parijs. Legal 500 heeft Thomas uitgeroepen tot Next Generation Partner op het gebied van Arbitration. 

  • “One client stated that 'Thomas definitely is one of the stellar lawyers in the Dutch arbitration world. His track record is impressive and so are his advocacy skills'.”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2024 Edition)
  • Next Generation Partner
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2024 Edition)
  • "A client mentions: ‘Thomas Stouten definitely stands out as a leader. He is a razor-sharp lawyer, with a very strong personality that helps in both hearings and negotiations. Thomas will always go the extra mile for his clients, leading to outstanding results’."
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2024 Edition)
  • Up and Coming
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2023 Edition)
  • "A client says: 'Thomas Stouten is a razor-sharp lawyer who is very responsive and gets to the heart of our matters very quickly'."
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2023 Edition)
  • "One client mentioned: ‘Thomas Stouten is a leading individual in the arbitration society. He is likeable and easy to work with, while his expertise on arbitration law is unparalleled. He clearly is the lawyer you want on your side'."
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2023 Edition)
  • Next Generation Partner
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2023 Edition)
  • “A client describes Thomas Stouten as ‘smart, collegiate and very pleasant to work with’.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2022 Edition)
  • “Thomas Stouten has a good grasp both of the legal aspects and the commercial aspects underlying a case.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2022 Edition)
  • “Thomas Stouten is a one-of-a-kind specialist, moreover a real pleasure to work with. A most promising arbitration specialist with a next level approach on arbitration.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2021 Edition)
  • “Thomas Stouten is a rising star in the field, someone to watch.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2021 Edition)
  • “Thomas Stouten is highly personable and is an effective arbitration strategist.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2021 Edition)
  • Next Generation Partner
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2021 Edition)
  • “Thomas Stouten who remains a razor sharp lawyer. Thomas is highly persuasive both in writing and orally. Thomas is eager, very responsive and great in hearings. Over the years he has really won our trust and also acts as a trusted advisor in various non-dispute related matters.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2021 Edition)
  • “Thomas Stouten just received a well-deserved partner appointment. Thomas’ legal skills are exceptional which he combines with a pragmatic approach to our legal issues. He is razor-sharp, both orally and in writing, and really knows what is going on in our business.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
  • Stouten: appointment to the partnership well deserved, rising star within the team.
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
  • Recommended
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
  • “I worked with Thomas Stouten and others during the whole arbitration process. They are polite, passionate, smart, professional and always fully prepared for upcoming situations. Besides, they do wonderful paperwork.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
Ook treedt Thomas op als arbiter. Hij geeft colleges over arbitrage en spreekt geregeld op arbitragecongressen. Hij publiceert in het Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, het Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht, Arbitration World (5e en 6e uitgave), het Dispute Resolution Journal of the AAA/ICDR en het Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration.

Hij is ook erkend als een van de Future Leaders in Nederland in Who's Who Legal: Litigation and Global Arbitration Review, en Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration, gezien zijn capaciteiten in post-arbitrageprocedures en arbitrage.


  • Lid van de Task Force Addressing Issues of Corruption in International Arbitration van de ICC
  • Lid voor Nederland van het ICC Court of International Arbitration in Parijs
  • Officer van de IBA Arbitration Committee met als functie Co-chair van de Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Subcommittee

Opleidingen & ervaring

  • LL.M. Nederlands recht (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • LL.M. International and European Law (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Diverse modules (University of Pretoria)

Practice Areas

Stouten, Thomas
Stouten, Thomas