Bart van der Wiel

Advocaat | Partner



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Bart staat aan het hoofd van Houthoffs cassatieteam en heeft ruim twintig jaar ervaring als cassatiespecialist. Hij is betrokken geweest bij talloze baanbrekende cassatieprocedures op het gebied van aansprakelijkheidsrecht, contractenrecht, energierecht, Europees recht, financieel recht, insolventierecht, ondernemingsrecht, procesrecht, vervoerrecht en verzekeringsrecht. Legal 500 heeft Bart uitgeroepen tot Leading Individual op het gebied van Commercial Litigation.

  • "He is undoubtedly one of the best Supreme Court litigators in the Netherlands and our go-to contact when it comes to complex cassation matters. He works in an efficient manner and is very responsive."
    Chambers Global, General Business Law - Dutch Caribbean (2025 Edition)
  • "A client states: 'Bart offers strong and thorough analysis of complex legal situations, providing creative and solid approaches'.”
    Chambers Global, General Business Law - Dutch Caribbean (2024 Edition)
  • Leading Individual
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation (2024 Edition)
  • "A client states that: ‘Bart van der Wiel and David Heems are a perfect match, bring good results, and are great fun to work with’."
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation (2024 Edition)
  • Ranked in Tier 1
    Chambers Europe, Dispute Resolution: Supreme Court Litigation (2023 Edition)
  • "A client states: 'Bart van der Wiel is a service-minded attorney who responds quickly at all times, with a thorough analysis of complex and sophisticated cases'."
    Chambers Global, General Business Law - Dutch Caribbean (2023 Edition)
  • "A client states: 'Bart is one of the go-to lawyers when it comes to Supreme Court litigation'."
    Chambers Europe, Dispute Resolution: Supreme Court Litigation (2023 Edition)
  • Leading Individual
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation (2023 Edition)
  • "One client said: 'Bart van der Wiel is one of the most well-known Supreme Court litigators in the Netherlands. He stands out from the crowd by combining exceptional expertise in procedural law with solid business acumen. Bart is definitely the go-to Supreme Court litigator in the Netherlands'."
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation (2023 Edition)
  • “Clients praise his commitment, one asserting that he ‘stands out as a Supreme Court litigator and really goes the necessary extra mile to win the case.’”
    Chambers Europe, Dispute Resolution: Supreme Court Litigation (2021 Edition)
Bart is in 2004 aan de Universiteit Leiden gepromoveerd en heeft een groot aantal publicaties op zijn naam staan. Hij is redacteur en coauteur van een toonaangevend handboek over cassatie, bestuurslid van de Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht en redactielid van het gezaghebbende Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging. Bart is een veelgevraagd spreker en docent, en is lid van de Adviescommissie voor burgerlijk procesrecht van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.


  • Ph.D. Civiel Recht in 2004 (Universiteit Leiden)
  • LL.M. Civiel Recht (Universiteit Leiden)
  • M.A. Klassieke Talen (Universiteit Leiden)
  • Secured a win for various aviation industry parties, including 18 airlines, in challenging the Dutch State's proposed downsizing measures for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, suddenly reducing the maximum number of flights from 500,000 to 460,000 in the next year. The Supreme Court ruled that the Dutch State must complete the 'balanced approach procedure' under the EU Noise Regulation before implementing such measures, overturning a previous decision by the Amsterdam Court of Appeal.
  • Represented RAB in a successful Supreme Court Appeal against a judgment of the Amsterdam court of appeal on the claim of a former adviser / party to the development of a hotel in Amsterdam.
  • Represented Fortenova Group, the largest food producer and retailer in South-Eastern Europe with an annual turnover of EUR 5 billion and 47.500 employees, in the implementation of a comprehensive restructuring resulting from the presence of sanctioned debt and equity holders in its capital structure and cross-border litigation in connection therewith.
  • Represented ING Bank in Dutch Supreme Court proceedings to clarify the question: under what circumstances can the bank set off payments, which come into a borrower's account, against granted credit in case of a rescue attempt followed by insolvency? The Supreme Court clarifies when good faith required for set-off is present and formulates the principle that a bank that has good reason to believe that a rescue attempt has a real chance of success is acting in good faith. The guidance provided by the Supreme Court's judgment is of great importance for banking practice. 
  • Represented Capgemini at the Dutch Supreme Court in a dispute on the execution of a large-scale software development project.
  • Represented Samruk-Kazyna JSC in Dutch Supreme Court proceedings against a creditor of its shareholder, the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the legitimacy of attachments levied on all shares held by Samruk-Kazyna  in a Dutch company.
  • Represented ING Bank in various Dutch Supreme Court proceedings in which important questions have been answered for the banking practice. These proceedings concerned, for example, the regulations regarding cashless payments, the terminability of a banking relationship and the validity of security interests.
  • Represented India in an annulment dispute worth upwards of EUR 1 billion before the Dutch Supreme Court


  • Represented Wells in the Wells v Bariven case in proceedings before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court reinstated the arbitral award after it was set aside for alleged corruption.
  • Represented CBRE in proceedings before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court upheld the Court of Appeal's judgment which found that CBRE Investors does not have to offer properties to Bijenkorf.