Het aantrekken van kapitaal via eigen of vreemd vermogen of alternatieve financieringsvormen vergt vergaande sectorkennis en juridische kennis op het gebied van nationale en internationale kapitaalmarkttransacties.

Ons team van Capital Markets specialisten werkt nauw samen met onze experts op het gebied van M&A, belastingrecht, financiële dienstverlening financieel toezicht en alle andere betrokken vakgebieden. Dankzij onze samenwerking met vooraanstaande kantoren wereldwijd kunt u ook bij grensoverschrijdende transacties rekenen op hoogstaande juridische dienstverlening.

  • Ranked in Tier 2
    Chambers Global, Capital Markets: Equity (2025 Edition)
  • "The Houthoff team provides an excellent service to the client. It immediately understands the unique aspects and technical issues involved in the transaction and finds practical solutions."
    Chambers Global, Capital Markets: Equity (2025 Edition)
  • "Houthoff is highly skilled and we are yet to find ourselves in a situation whereby the team is unable to assist us in a fast and practical manner."
    Chambers Global, Capital Markets: Equity (2025 Edition)
  • "A client mentioned that 'Houthoff is one of the most experienced legal teams in the Netherlands in guiding and advising international companies on listing in Amsterdam and executing major corporate actions'.”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Capital Markets: Equity (2024 Edition)
  • "A client states that: ‘The Houthoff team is professional, proactive, works well with international law firms, is knowledgeable and very friendly’."
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Equity (2024 Edition)
  • "A client describes the team as 'very pragmatic and responsive. They do a very good job, always with the client's needs in mind, and simply deliver high-standard work'."
    Chambers Global, Capital Markets: Equity (2023 Edition)
  • "The lawyers at Houthoff are very approachable, they are proactive in their approach and completely on the ball any time of the day, so I never feel I need to follow up, and they make us feel like we are their only client. They also don't take up more of your time than necessary; everything is very efficient."
    Chambers Global & Europe, Capital Markets: Equity (2023 Edition)
  • "Houthoff stands out for understanding the drivers for the client in the sense of urgency."
    Chambers Europe, Capital Markets: Equity (2023 Edition)
  • First Tier firm
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Equity (2023 Edition)
  • "A client says: 'The team is capable and has a hands-on style of working which makes it easy for our management team to work with them'."
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Equity (2023 Edition)
  • "One client mentions: 'Individuals that are able to get the job done in small teams with understanding of the business through a practical approach'."
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Equity (2023 Edition)
  • Recommended
    Chambers Global & Europe, Capital Markets: Equity (2022 Edition)
  • “Houthoff’s team is dedicated, professional and has expert knowledge of Dutch market requirements.”
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Equity (2022 Edition)
  • “A client acknowledges the practice’s approach, deeming it ‘practical, hands-on and skilled.’”
    Chambers Europe, Capital Markets: Equity (2021 Edition)
  • “The team’s scope is subject to praise among clients, one reporting: ‘What I always think is particularly helpful is the breadth of the team.’”
    Chambers Europe, Capital Markets: Equity (2021 Edition)
  • “In-depth knowledge combined with a practical approach.”
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Debt (2021 Edition)
  • “Their practical approach makes them quick and efficient.”
    Legal 500, Capital Markets: Debt (2021 Edition)

Equity Capital Markets

Wij hebben uitgebreide kennis van én ervaring met beursnoteringen in alle belangrijke rechtsgebieden, waaronder:
  • Euronext (o.a. Amsterdam, Dublin, Oslo en Milan)
  • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
  • London Stock Exchange (LSE)
  • Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Deutsche Börse)
  • Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE)

Nederland is een aantrekkelijk vestigingsland voor ondernemingen die een beursnotering ambiëren, zowel hier als in het buitenland. Veel Nederlandse ondernemingen zijn ook genoteerd op buitenlandse aandelenbeurzen zoals bijvoorbeeld de NYSE. Nederland biedt een robuuste regelgeving, en een rechtsstelsel dat voorziet in solide maar flexibele governance-modellen (waaronder bestuursmodellen en meervoudig stemrecht).

Wij adviseren cliënten, waaronder uitgevende instellingen, aandeelhouders en joint global coördinatoren/underwriters en assisteren hen bij de uitdagingen die verschillende soorten transacties op de aandelenmarkten met zich meebrengen, zoals:
  • Beursgangen (IPO)
  • SPAC’s
  • de-SPAC-transacties en andere fusies
  • uitgifte van rechten
  • aandelenemissies
  • onderhandse plaatsing
  • openbare biedingen
  • openbare overname, inclusief vooraf goedgekeurde herstructurering
  • inkoop van eigen aandelen

Debt Capital Markets

De wijze waarop ondernemingen hun financiering inrichten, hangt sterk af van hun specifieke behoeften. Ons Debt Capital Markets Team assisteert bij het neerzetten van de juiste juridische structuur voor de bedrijfsvoering van onze cliënten. Daarbij adviseren zij bijvoorbeeld zowel over stand alone bond issues als bank-bond financieringen. Het team was één van de pioniers in de advisering van Nederlandse bedrijven over private placements (USPP’s) en heeft hierdoor directe kennis en ervaring van de aandachtspunten voor issuers van deze producten. Daarnaast adviseert het Debt Capital Markets Team ondernemingen en begeleidende banken bij alle overige debt capital structuren zoals bijvoorbeeld High Yield Notes. Gelet op het grensoverschrijdende karakter van het merendeel van deze financieringen werken wij altijd nauw samen met gerenommeerde experts in andere jurisdicties. 

  • Advised on the direct listing and admission to trading of all ordinary shares of The London Tunnels PLC on Euronext Amsterdam.
  • Advised Corre Energy B.V. on the private placement of shares with new and existing investors, raising EUR 8.9 million.
  • Advised Ariston Holding N.V on the acquisition of CENTROTEC Climate Systems GmbH.
  • Advised Fimalac in connection with the business combination between Pegasus Entrepreneurs, a Euronext Amsterdam listed SPAC, and FL Entertainment, a global leader in independent content production and the fastest-growing online sports betting platform in Europe.
  • Advised WeTransfer (The Creative Productivity Company), provider of an ecosystem of creative productivity tools, with its intended initial public offering and admission to listing and trading of its ordinary shares on Euronext Amsterdam.
  • Advised Ariston Holding N.V., a global player in sustainable comfort solutions for hot water and space heating, with the IPO of its ordinary shares to certain institutional investors. This included the admission to listing and trading of its ordinary shares on Euronext Milan.
  • Advised Ariston Holding N.V., a global player in sustainable comfort solutions for hot water and space heating with the initial public offering of its ordinary shares to certain institutional investors and admission to listing and trading of its ordinary shares on Euronext Milan.
  • Advised founder and majority shareholder Jørn Lyseggen on the IPO of Meltwater B.V., a leading global provider of media intelligence and social analytics Software-as-a-Service solutions, on Euronext Growth Oslo.
  • Advised Ally Bridge Group on PIPE investment in EUR1.5 billion de-SPAC.
  • Assisted Corre Energy B.V. with its plans to raise EUR 10 million through an initial public offering on Euronext Dublin.
  • Advised Kensington Capital Acquisition Corp. II, a NYSE-listed special purpose acquisition company, on the merger agreement with Wallbox and Wallbox's listing as a Dutch N.V. on NYSE through the merger.
  • Advised, together with Goodwin Procter LLP, Qell Acquisition Corp., a publicly listed special purpose acquisition company (Nasdaq: QELL) in connection with the listing of Lilium as a Dutch N.V. on Nasdaq through a business combination with Qell.
  • Assisted ShoppingParks N.V., Terzetmus B.V., Kempen & Co N.V. and KBC Securities N.V. with the successful accelerated bookbuild offering of 750,000 shares in the capital of Retail Estates N.V., a Belgian publicly listed real estate company. ShoppingParks N.V. and Terzetmus B.V. are two closed-end Dutch real estate funds managed by Freeland.

  • Advised Intel Corporation on its tender offer to acquire Mobileye N.V., which has its headquarters and main operations in Israel. Mobileye N.V. is incorporated under Dutch law and listed on the New York Stock Exchange (MBLY.N). The tender offer was announced on 13 March 2017 and valued Mobileye at USD 15.3 billion.

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Advocaat | Partner

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Advocaat | Managing Partner
Jessica Terpstra

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Advocaat | Partner
Paul de Vries

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Notaris | Partner