Herstructurering & Insolventie

Cliënten die betrokken zijn bij een onderneming die in financiële moeilijkheden zit hebben behoefte aan doortastend advies en een '360-round view' op de problemen waarmee zij zich geconfronteerd zien. Kennis van en ervaring met complexe financieringsstructuren, maar ook de EU Insolventieverordening en buitenlandse insolventieprocedures, zoals de Amerikaanse Chapter 11 en de Engelse scheme of arrangement, is vereist om in grensoverschrijdende herstructureringen en (dreigende) insolventies juist advies te geven.

Daarnaast moet soms snel en op adequate wijze een juridische procedure kunnen worden gevoerd. Insolventiegeschillen vergen strategisch inzicht en doortastendheid. Houthoff heeft een ongeëvenaard sterke insolventieprocespraktijk opgebouwd. Onze procesadvocaten hebben de expertise en bevoegdheid op te treden in procedures voor de Hoge Raad. Onze advocaten treden geregeld op als de curator of bewindvoerder in insolventieprocedures.

Het Herstructurering & Insolventie team van Houthoff is marktleider. Zij zijn internationaal erkend en worden al jaren in juridische gidsen (bijv. Chambers en Legal 500) bovenaan 'geranked'. Het team beschikt over diepgaande expertise en ervaring en heeft in nagenoeg alle grote zaken die de afgelopen jaren in de Nederlandse markt speelden, een leidende rol vervuld. 

  • Ranked in Band 1
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2025 Edition)
  • "Houthoff has very strong litigation and insolvency teams of very high quality. The quality of its work is of the highest level."
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2025 Edition)
  • "Houthoff stands out for its creativity. The team has always been open to, and very effective at, thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to complicated problems."
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2025 Edition)
  • Band 1
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2024 Edition)
  • “A client stated that 'The strongest point of Houthoff is the quality of its lawyers, especially the speed with which they operate and the ability to understand business matters beyond the legal scope'.”
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2024 Edition)
  • "Our client mentioned: ‘A truly joined up team which through its composition and leadership performs highly, which results in comprehensive, powerful and robust solutions to our sometimes complex restructurings’."
    Legal 500, Restructuring & Insolvency (2024 Edition)
  • First Tier firm
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2023 Edition)
  • "A client has mentioned about this team: 'The lawyers have profound market knowledge and know how to get things done'."
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2023 Edition)
  • "A client mentions that the lawyers 'are knowledgeable, efficient and result-oriented'."
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2023 Edition)
  • "A client hightlights: 'The firm has a true team approach. It is very responsive and combines a pragmatic approach with in-depth and balanced solutions and legal strategising'."
    Chambers Europe, Restructuring & Insolvency (2023 Edition)
  • "One client says: 'Houthoff has a very strong team. They bring carefully considered and creative solutions to complex problems to the table. This is an innovative team that delivers high quality solutions'."
    Legal 500, Restructuring & Insolvency (2023 Edition)
  • "A client mentioned: ‘Houthoff’s team has excellent technical capabilities in the R&I field. They heavily invest in the insolvency training of their team members, which shows in their knowledge across all experience levels. They also have excellent acumen for commercial considerations in international transactions. Lastly, they are noted for being extremely responsive towards clients and ability to give short and level-headed advice'."
    Legal 500, Restructuring & Insolvency (2023 Edition)

Voorbeelden van expertise op het gebied van herstructurering en insolventie

Ons Herstructurering & Insolventie team is betrokken geweest bij spraakmakende complexe (financiële) insolventies, waaronder Oi, OSX/OGX, SwissAir, Van der Hoop bankiers, V&D, DSB Bank, Lehman Brothers, Yukos, Joh. Enschedé en Landsbanki. 

Het Herstructurering & Insolventie team werkt geïntegreerd samen met (sector)experts op het gebied van onder meer M&A en banking & finance. Houthoff is daarnaast verbonden aan Lex Mundi, een exclusief wereldwijd netwerk van advocatenkantoren. Daarnaast beschikt het team over een netwerk van uitstekende buitenlandse financiële experts en insolventieadvocaten en -kantoren dat is opgebouwd in grensoverschrijdende zaken die in het verleden zijn behandeld. Daarmee is in internationale situaties verzekerd dat het team met de beste (buitenlandse) adviseurs samenwerkt.
  • Advised the ad hoc group of creditors to the Consolis group in the successful implementation of its comprehensive recapitalization.
  • Advised Unigel Participações S.A. (Unigel) and certain subsidiaries on the successful completion of a cross-border restructuring involving over USD 800 million in debt. This restructuring led to new investments, bonds, convertible bonds, and Dutch depositary receipts for shares in Unigel's Dutch parent company.
  • Represented one of the major airlines involved in the air cargo cartel Dutch civil damage proceedings.
  • Represented Fortenova Group, the largest food producer and retailer in South-Eastern Europe with an annual turnover of EUR 5 billion and 47.500 employees, in the implementation of a comprehensive restructuring resulting from the presence of sanctioned debt and equity holders in its capital structure and cross-border litigation in connection therewith.
  • Advised Lumileds, a global leader in innovative lighting solutions, in its comprehensive financial restructuring. Lumileds emerged from a Chapter 11, resulting in a leadership transition and a funded debt reduction of approximately USD 1.4 billion.
  • Advised and represented Finqus B.V. and DSB Bank N.V. (in bankruptcy) on the sale of Finqus' loan portfolio with a purchase price of approx. EUR 1.5 billion to NIBC Bank N.V.
  • Representing Kroonenberg, one of the largest real estate investors in the Netherlands, in a high-profile dispute against the bankruptcy trustees of Memid and Midreth, a large construction company in the Netherlands.
  • Representing CBRE Global Investors in proceedings in relation to the bankruptcy of Hudson's Bay Netherlands.
  • Representing investment firm Indofin, in relation to the IHC Group's restructuring in 2020.
  • Advised OSX Brasil S.A. and its Dutch subsidiaries. on the restructuring of their consolidated debt of over US$ 2.5 billion, including representing the OSX companies in various litigation matters in the Netherlands as well as coordinating litigation abroad. The team worked also on the debt restructuring of OSX 3, the USD 450 million bond structure and the syndicated debt of USD 850 million.
  • Advised Aurelius, through its investment vehicle Capricorn, in lodging several claims in the Netherlands, relating to, among others, (a) the voidance of several intercompany transactions of the Oi Group which have been to the detriment of the group's creditors and (b) to prevent the ailing Brazilian parent company from borrowing any more money from one its Dutch subsidiaries.
  • Acting as court appointed bankruptcy trustee of DSB Bank, Houthoff continued through 2014 to unwind the legacy of the failed bank following the settlement agreement made with claimants regarding overcharged premiums and interest obligations. To date, 40 employees of the bank are employed.
  • Houthoff advised Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Neuberger Berman on a large Sharia based financial restructuring.
  • Houthoff advised ABN AMRO Bank, ING Bank and ABN AMRO Lease on a complex asset based financial restructuring and LTV pool based financing of an international group of companies.
  • Houthoff, together with Stikeman Elliott LLP, advised Essar Steel Algoma, Inc. and its (Dutch) group companies in respect of a USD 200 million DIP-financing, which was provided by Deutsche Bank AG for the purpose of the voluntary proceedings under (i) the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, and (ii) chapter 15 of title 11 of the United States Code.
  • V&D was a landmark brand of high street located department stores (63 stores) in the Netherlands and was founded in 1887. Houthoff advised the company in a wide array of matters, including the restructuring of its debt, and representing the company in several high profile litigation matters related to real estate and labour law.
Frederic Verhoeven

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