Environmental Plan Activity Approval
The EPA's entry into force has introduced a new concept: the environmental plan activity. An environmental plan activity can pertain to any subject that municipalities are able and allowed to regulate in an environmental plan, such as construction, local environmental impact, water and soil. Executing an environmental plan activity can be subject to a permit requirement (or other instrument). As a result, an initiator or operator will be more frequently faced with the requirement to obtain an environmental permit for an environmental plan activity than was the case under the old law.
Our Procedure – Environmental Plan Activity Approval factsheet goes into the main aspects of the procedure to be followed to obtain an environmental plan activity permit, such as the distinction between the various types of environmental plan activities and participation. In addition to the factsheet, we have included two procedure timelines. The first timeline shows the different stages of the regular preparation procedure. The second timeline shows the different stages of the extensive preparation procedure.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts: Marloes Brans, Rick van der Hulle, Monica Sonderegger, Luurt Wildeboer or Marije Verweij.