Dirk Knottenbelt

Advocaat | Partner

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Dirk leidt het arbitrageteam van Houthoff. Hij heeft meer dan 30 jaar ervaring als advocaat in grote geschillen in internationale arbitrage en voor de overheidsrechter. Hij wordt als zodanig al jaren erkend door onder meer Chambers en Legal 500. Naast zijn werk als procesadvocaat, wordt Dirk veelvuldig geraadpleegd voor strategisch advies en begeleiding van trajecten ter voorkoming van procedures. Hij treedt met regelmaat op als arbiter en zit als raadsheer-plaatsvervanger bij het gerechtshof 's-Hertogenbosch. Dirk heeft van Chambers & Partners een ranking in Band 1 gekregen voor zijn werk in Dispute Resolution. Hij is door Legal 500 opgenomen in de Hall of Fame binnen Arbitration. 
  • Ranked in Tier 1
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2024 Edition)
  • “One client mentioned that 'Dirk Knottenbelt is a very good, decisive and strong leader of the team'.”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2024 Edition)
  • Dirk Knottenbelt is ranked in the Hall of Fame.
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2024 Edition)
  • Dirk Knottenbelt is ranked in Tier 1
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2023 Edition)
  • "A client states: 'Dirk Knottenbelt is a leading figure in the Dutch arbitration society. His analytical skills are unparalleled'."
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2023 Edition)
  • "A client says: 'Dirk is a brilliant advocate'."
    Chambers Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2023 Edition)
  • Dirk Knottenbelt is ranked in the Hall of Fame
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2023 Edition)
  • "One client said: 'Dirk Knottenbelt ‘owns’ the court room. He is extremely convincing, and his advocacy skills are truly exceptional'."
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2023 Edition)
  • “One client describes him as ‘calm, confident and very convincing’.”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2022 Edition)
  • “A client appreciates that he ‘knows how to present a case convincingly’.”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2022 Edition)
  • “Clients commend him for his courtroom presence, saying that ‘his oral advocacy is very well structured, credible and convincing.’”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2021 Edition)
  • “The ‘very skilled and client-oriented’ Dirk Knottenbelt  frequently represents clients in ICC arbitration.”
    Chambers Global & Europe, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel (2020 Edition)
  • “The team is led by senior partner Dirk Knottenbelt who is leading in arbitration and has an overwhelming presence.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
  • “I worked with Dirk Knottenbelt and others during the whole arbitration process. They are polite, passionate, smart, professional and always fully prepared for upcoming situations. Besides, they do wonderful paperwork.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
  • “Knottenbelt is a true advocate, great at hearings. Knows how to present his case. Very analytical.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)
  • “Dirk Knottenbelt is very analytical.”
    Legal 500, Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2020 Edition)


  • Universiteit Leiden
  • University of Edinburgh