Construction & Development
Grootschalige infrastructuurprojecten, herontwikkeling van bestaand vastgoed, toenemende aandacht voor verduurzaming en wijzigingen in (Europese) wet- en regelgeving. De bouwsector beweegt. Het omvangrijke Construction & Development Team van Houthoff heeft de afgelopen 20 jaar ongeëvenaarde kennis en ervaring opgedaan, waardoor onze cliënten steeds optimaal kunnen worden ondersteund. Onze specialisten staan ontwikkelaars, beleggers, financiers, aannemers en eindgebruikers bij in tal van complexe aangelegenheden. Van structurering van nieuwe projecten, vertegenwoordiging in internationale bouwgeschillen tot advisering in complexe aanbestedingskwesties.
Ranked in Band 1Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2024 Edition)
“One client says: 'The combination of excellent legal skills, market knowledge, efficient approach and commercial awareness make the team unique'.”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2024 Edition)
'A client mentions: ‘Houthoff has always made us feel like the most important client they have and above all we have absolute trust in working alongside them. Their deep understanding of the real estate industry is second to none and they have a well structured team who clearly enjoy working together as well. We have always felt Houthoff provides a supreme level of service’."Legal 500, Real Estate (2024 Edition)
Ranked in Tier 1Chambers Europe, Real Estate: Construction (2023 Edition)
"A client says that the 'Team is hands-on and very knowledgeable when dealing with complex situations'."Chambers Europe, Real Estate: Construction (2023 Edition)
"A client stated: ' The team is always up to date on the latest regulations and case law and is able to make the most complicated topics very clear to the business through practical overviews'."Chambers Europe, Real Estate: Construction (2023 Edition)
"One client says: 'Houthoff combines in-depth knowledge and great dedication to provide their clients with high quality and yet very practical advice – absolutely the best in the Dutch construction market'."Legal 500, Construction (2023 Edition)
"A client mentions: 'Working on a uniquely large and complex project which required highly specialised knowledge. Houthoff has proven time and time again to master all facets'."Legal 500, Construction (2023 Edition)
“Houthoff combines in-depth knowledge and great dedication to provide their clients with high quality and yet very practical advice.”Legal 500, Construction (2022 Edition)
“Houthoff is a fast responding firm that always delivers excellent legal advice within the periods stipulated.”Legal 500, Construction (2022 Edition)
“A client states ‘I really appreciated their quick approach, the precise advice and their ability to find pragmatic solutions’.”Legal 500, Construction (2022 Edition)
“One client enthuses that ‘all of the team members clearly put their clients first,’ and goes on to highlight the team’s ‘pragmatic approach’ and ‘good commercial mindset.’”Chambers Europe, Real Estate: Construction (2021 Edition)
“The team acts precisely and deliberately, and is completely aware of the scope of work required from them and delivers the required quality in time.’”Chambers Europe, Real Estate: Construction (2021 Edition)
“A client praises the breadth of the firm’s practice, praising the team’s ‘excellent litigation strategy and seamless implementation thereof,’ adding that the ‘contract drafting is top notch.’”Chambers Europe, Real Estate: Construction (2021 Edition)
“The team is very proactive and fast paced.”Legal 500, Construction (2021 Edition)
“Besides the in-depth knowledge and easy contact, I appreciate the flexibility of the way Houthoff answers questions.”Legal 500, Construction (2021 Edition)
“The Houthoff team gives excellent advice and legal strategy, always with a long-term focus and the aim to avoid litigation.”Legal 500, Construction (2021 Edition)
Onze expertise binnen Construction & Development
Bij de begeleiding van grote bouwprojecten is meer dan alleen kennis van het klassieke bouwrecht vereist. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan publiek-private samenwerkingsverbanden, waarbij bouwers, investeerders en financiers behoefte hebben aan een geïntegreerde juridische benadering van onder andere het bouwcontractenrecht, het ondernemingsrecht en projectfinanciering. De expertise van onze Construction & Development specialisten reikt daarom verder. Zij werken daarnaast nauw samen met onze experts op het gebied van onder meer M&A, ruimtelijke ordening, energie en finance. Dit alles stelt ons Construction & Development Team in staat om bij ieder project dienstverlening op maat te bieden.Vertegenwoordiging in bouw- en aanbestedingsgeschillen vergt behalve specialistische kennis een goede feeling met de sector. Daarover beschikken onze specialisten in ruime mate. Steeds vaker wordt geprocedeerd over internationale contractvormen, met vaak een alternatieve vorm van geschillenbeslechting, zoals mediation, bindend advies of arbitrage. Door de samenwerking tussen het Construction & Development Team en onze internationale litigation- en arbitragepraktijk beschikt Houthoff over vergaande expertise op dit vlak.