Accuron Technologies purchases Trymax
7 February 2025
The sale of Trymax Holding B.V. (Trymax) to Accuron Technologies (Accuron) has been successfully completed. The transaction was subject to a thorough investigation by the Investment Screening Bureau (Bureau Toetsing Investeringen, or BTI).
Trymax is a manufacturer of plasma-based semiconductor equipment. Accuron is a Singapore-based company that has acquired similar semiconductor equipment businesses in Europe over the past few years. Closing of the transaction was preceded by a thorough BTI investigation. BTI investigates acquisitions in sensitive sectors for compliance with the Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions (Security Screening) Act (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames). This Act entails a security screening for companies that own sensitive technology, such as Trymax.
Houthoff advised Trymax' shareholders on the company's sale to Accuron. The team included Philip van der Eijk, Daniël Stuijt, Esther Bastein, Gerrit Oosterhuis, Jori de Goffau, Jeroen van Mourik, Diede van der Voort, Wynand van Seters and Zinke Lansink.