Marc van Beuge
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Marc is gespecialiseerd in energie- en industrieprojecten. Hij treedt veelal op voor energie-, chemie- en afvalbedrijven, de energie-intensieve sector, de aandeelhouders daarvan en grotere afnemers. Marc is voornamelijk betrokken bij zaken waarin elektriciteit, gas of warmte, duurzame energie, energiesubsidies, de energietransitie en klimaatverandering een belangrijke rol spelen. Daarnaast procedeert hij over energiegerelateerde geschillen.
Marc is vaste medewerker van het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Energierecht. Hij doceert over energierecht, onder meer in het kader van 'Energierecht op Locatie', een postacademische opleiding van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Marc is Chair Emeritus van de Energy and Natural Resources Group van Lex Mundi en lid van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Energierecht. Eerder werkte hij als bedrijfsjurist bij DSM en Energie Beheer Nederland. Legal 500 heeft Marc uitgeroepen tot Leading Individual op het gebied van Energy: Transactional.
“A client mentioned that 'He demonstrates a natural curiosity to truly understand the intricacies of our business, and as such is able to give high profile and tailor made advise. He simply is a great guy to work with'.”Chambers Europe, Energy & Natural Resources: Regulatory (2024 Edition)
Leading IndividualLegal 500, Energy: Transactional (2024 Edition)
"A client states that: ‘Marc van Beuge is a true industry specialist and is very easy to work with’."Legal 500, Energy: Transactional (2024 Edition)
RecommendedChambers Europe, Energy & Natural Resources Regulatory (2023 Edition)
"One client mentioned: ‘Marc van Beuge is incredibly conscientious and detail-oriented. He also has an excellent strategic sense'."Legal 500, Energy: Regulatory (2023 Edition)
"A client describes Marc van Beuge as 'kind, practical, and pleasant to work with'."Legal 500, Energy: Regulatory (2023 Edition)
"One client stated: ‘The energy sector in the Netherlands is a complex area of law. Houthoff truly is an expert. Marc van Beuge understands the clients and delivers exceptional work'."Legal 500, Energy: Regulatory (2023 Edition)
“A client mentions that ‘Marc is extremely responsive and has a strong work ethic’.”Chambers Europe, Energy & Natural Resources Regulatory (2022 Edition)
“A client recommends Kirsten Berger and Marc van Beuge and states that they are ‘both truly outstanding experts in this area’.”Legal 500, Energy: Regulatory (2022 Edition)
“Both Marc van Beuge and Kirsten Berger have displayed a deep knowledge of the energy markets and have been a tremendous asset in supporting us.”Legal 500, Energy: Regulatory (2022 Edition)
RecommendedLegal 500, Energy: Transactional (2022 Edition)
RecommendedChambers Europe, Energy & Natural Resources Regulatory (2021 Edition)
“He knows how to connect, quickly grasps the essence of the most critical issues and he understands business.”Chambers Europe, Energy & Natural Resources Regulatory (2020 Edition)
“Marc van Beuge’s knowledge about energy law in combination with commercial contracting is unrivalled. He is extremely motived, always delivers (day and night), easy going, very responsive and also a nice guy to closely work with. He easily blends into an organisation, to come to tailor made and practical advice.”Legal 500, Energy: Transactional & Regulatory (2020 Edition)
- Internationaal recht (Rijksuniversiteit Leiden)
Advised Alliander N.V.'s shareholders regarding reaching consensus on the 'Framework of Agreements on Capital Requirements of Regional Grid Operators'.
Advised and acted for Huntsman, successfully defending against claims brought by Ducor Petrochemicals in (appeal) proceedings before the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven) regarding regulatory issues relating to Huntsman's closed distribution system for electricity.