See you in Mediation

#1 Isabella Wijnberg – What is mediation advocacy?
20 March 2024

Lawyers are increasingly asked to use mediation skills. Isabella Wijnberg, corporate litigator and lawyer at Houthoff, explains what mediation advocacy is and how it can be a strategic asset. Specialised in mass claims and an IMI Certified Mediator, she is responsible for mediation training at Houthoff.


It is an axiom in the world of work: sooner or later, business conflicts will arise. The increasing juridification is expected to push up the number of disputes even further. Mediation is a way to tackle disputes at an early stage while keeping the business relationship intact.

See you in Mediation is a Houthoff podcast on business mediation. In this six-part series, Dave Cohen meets up with experts from the field to discuss from various perspectives what it is, how it works and what it delivers.




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