Intensification supervision
In the Netherlands, the roles and responsibilities of directors and supervisory directors are defined by law, providing a clear formal separation of duties. Yet practice shows that effective governance goes beyond these frameworks. The success of an organisation often depends on the extent to which directors and supervisory directors fulfil their roles flexibly and strategically, adapted to the needs and dynamics of the company. This requires a carefully considered balance between advice, supervision and, if necessary, intensive cooperation.
Proactive involvement versus formal distance: the field of tension between advice and supervision
Increasingly, we see that boards expect a proactive involvement of supervisory board members, so that their knowledge and network can be used optimally at crucial moments. On the other hand, opting for a formal, distance-based role of supervisory directors can actually strengthen strategic decision-making. In both cases, however, a field of tension arises: what is the optimal balance between advice and supervision? And when is more intensive intervention justified or even mandatory?
In situations of strategic change or crisis, the playing field becomes even more complex. The ability of supervisory board members to switch quickly and respond to change is then crucial. It requires experience and insight to navigate effectively between distance and involvement in these circumstances, without compromising the independent role of supervisory director.
Strategic and legal support: making a difference in governance
With increasing complexity, both due to the intensity of social and legal requirements and rapid internal or external changes, governance has become a multi-faceted issue. It is precisely in this context that a strategic and legal partner with solid governance expertise can make the difference. With a keen eye for both the formal rules and the practical implications, we assist boards and supervisory boards in considering these issues and finding the right balance.
Thanks to our international experience, we understand the challenges of culture and governance within complex structures. We contribute ideas on the optimal interpretation of supervision and advice and help supervisory and management boards respond to the needs of the organisation, without compromising their independence or responsibility. We help to realise a governance structure that is not only compliant, but also resilient and agile enough to support the organisation in an ever-changing world.