Corporate social responsibility is of paramount importance at Houthoff. Needless to say, we employ sustainable business practices and are involved in numerous social organisations and projects.
We pursue our goal of sustainability with the same dedication to excellence that we apply in everything we do. We go beyond reducing our paper consumption and constantly strive to make our operations more sustainable. We take part in different initiatives, such as the Green Business Club Zuidas (GBC) and are one of the many parties to put our name to the Zuidas Statement of Ambition 2021-2025.
Pro bono
Our commitment to social responsibility is demonstrated by the considerable value we place on doing pro bono work for organisations and people that pursue or support the public interest. Houthoff is a co-founder of Pro Bono Connect, a platform that links NGOs with law firms, and allows them to work together on pro bono cases. We regularly take on cases through Pro Bono Connect. Houthoff’s Lex Mundi membership also means that it is closely connected with the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation (LMPBF). LMPBF gives social entrepreneurs around the world the opportunity to obtain pro bono legal advice from one or more of the 160 Lex Mundi firms.
Read more about our pro bono work.
Social commitment
Houthoff is involved in several social organisations and projects, including:
Johan Cruyff Foundation - The Johan Cruyff Foundation helps children move up by being active. Sport and play help children grow and develop, keep them fit and healthy, and teach them to hold their own in a complex society. Houthoff sponsors the Johan Cruyff Foundation in the form of legal advice. Our advice focuses mainly on sponsorship contracts and further developing the organisation.
Stedelijk Museum - The Stedelijk Museum enriches people’s lives with modern and contemporary art and design. We support the Stedelijk Museum through a variety of legal services.
JINC - JINC helps socially and economically disadvantaged young people aged between 8 and 16 gain a foothold in the employment market. We support this initiative by providing different types of job application training and short traineeships each year.
The Cookie Project - This Houthoff initiative supports iambe, a bakery which acts as a training and activity centre for intellectually disabled young people in Amsterdam. Each day, our meeting centres are supplied with freshly baked cookies, made by participants in the programme at their city centre bakery.
Stichting Everyday Heroes - The foundation Stichting Everyday Heroes dedicates itself to bringing about a cultural shift in the corporate world so that hiring people with an occupational impairment becomes common practice. The foundation enables companies who purchase a participation certificate to contribute to finding a position for candidates with poor job prospects. The value of the certificate is directly converted into a fund which is used to remove the final financial obstacles so that the candidate can secure the contract.