See you in Mediation
See you in Mediation is a Houthoff podcast on business mediation. In this six-part series, Dave Cohen meets up with experts from the field to discuss from various perspectives what it is, how it works and what it delivers.
Dutch National Opara & Ballet | The production workshop unveiled
In the Production Workshop, the scent of sawdust fills the air and specks of paint dot the floor. This workshop belongs to the largest theatre production house in the Netherlands, Dutch National Opera & Ballet, where everything is created in-house. Its teams of experts are not usually in the limelight but are the backbone of every production. Take a moment to listen to a props manager, a production supervisor and a costume manager. Discover how these artisans carry out their work and the challenges they face.
What will the world look like in a couple of years? In the podcast series Catch-2020, business leaders from the top of the corporate ladder and our own experts talk freely about how they see markets change and what effects these changes will have. They also share the lessons the coronavirus crisis has taught them.
Legal podcasts
What are the most important basic steps for a reorganisation? What legal battle does a pension agreement create? In each episode, a current legal topic is discussed with one of our experts in that area.
Who works at Houthoff? What kind of cases do we handle? What gives our staff energy? Our Recruitment Podcast answers these questions and gives you an impression of what it's like to work at Houthoff.
Please note that our podcasts are only available in Dutch.
Look, listen and learn from our experts. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments.