Pernille van der Plank
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Pernille works as a scientific adviser for the Real Estate practice group, focusing on real estate structuring. She is also the secretary of Houthoff's Academic Committee.
Since 1 July 2022, Pernille has been a private law professor at Open Universiteit, specialising in property law and sustainability. She helps develop education and research in real estate law. Her research addresses legal issues in creating a sustainable environment, particularly those related to water.
In addition, Pernille represents Houthoff at the Bachiene Institute for Real Estate Law (Bachiene Instituut voor Vastgoedrecht), a partnership between Houthoff, Loyens & Loeff and Allen & Overy that promotes academic research in real estate law. She is also the Houthoff representative at the Built Environment climate table (klimaattafel Gebouwde Omgeving), an initiative of Lawyer Does Something (Jurist Doet WAT).
- LL.M. Notarial Law (Utrecht University)
- LL.M. Law with a focus on Private Law (Utrecht University)