Thomas Stouten reappointed as member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration
1 July 2024
Great news! Thomas Stouten is reappointed as Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration by the ICC World Council for another three-year term effective 1 July 2024. Martje de Vries Lentsch of De Brauw was also reappointed and Marieke van Hooijdonk of A&O Shearman was appointed Vice-President. Congratulations to all!
1 JULI 2021
Thomas Stouten appointed as member of the icc international court of arbitration
We are proud that Thomas Stouten is appointed as a Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris for the Netherlands by the ICC World Council for a three-year term, commencing on 1 July 2021. We congratulate Martje de Vries Lentsch of De Brauw, who is also appointed as Court Member for the Netherlands.
Thomas: “The International Court of Arbitration is the world's leading arbitration institute. I am truly honoured with this appointment and the opportunity to contribute to the arbitral process. I very much look forward to working with prominent arbitration experts, including Martje."The ICC International Court of Arbitration is composed of Members from almost 90 countries, who are appointed by the ICC World Council. The Court is charged with ensuring the application of the ICC’s Rules of Arbitration and with overseeing the ICC arbitration process. The Court’s responsibilities include the confirmation of party-nominated arbitrators, the appointment of arbitrators, the scrutiny and approval of awards, and the fixing of tribunal fees.
Read more about the ICC International Court of Arbitration.
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