Global Corporate Ladies
Since 2015, women at the top of the business world have met annually during Houthoff's Global Corporate Ladies Event. This unique event gives participants the opportunity to meet like-minded peers and make new connections in a cultural setting.
The event pivots around the three Cs: 'Cocktails, Culture & C', where the last 'C' stands for the year's chosen topic. During previous editions, the event explored themes such as Compliance, Commissioner 3.0, Confrontation, Connect and Change. This year's event is 'Cocktails, Culture & Control'. During our panel discussion, we will seek to answer today's most pressing question: how do you maintain control in times of crisis?Going Global
In 2018, we organised the first worldwide Global Corporate Ladies Event. It was held at each of Houthoff's six locations in its respective time zones: Amsterdam, Brussels, London, New York, Tokyo and Singapore.On this page, you will find publications from previous editions and can read more about this year's Global Corporate Ladies Event. We also have a private LinkedIn group where you can request to become a member of our community.