Quality Assurance Act
Impact of the Quality Assurance (Building Sector) Act on the Environment and Planning Act
Together with the EPA, the Quality Assurance (Building Sector) Act (Wet kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen, or QASBA) entered into force. Its introduction entails a major shift in terms of responsibility for supervising the structural quality of buildings: the market, rather than the competent authorities, now bears primary responsibility. The authorities will only set the parameters from now on. In addition, the new quality assurance system has introduced a 'division' in the old environmental building permit, into the technical part and the spatial part. For anyone seeking to execute a building activity, it will be relevant to have insight into the workings of the new system introduced by the EPA and the QASBA.
Our Quality Assurance (Building Sector) Act factsheet gives an outline of this system, focusing on the main differences compared with the old law and the main practical issues to bear in mind.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts: Monica Sonderegger, Eva Struik or Pepijn Smits.