Indirect Tax
Since VAT is a transaction tax, changes in legislation, activities or processes can have a major impact on your company’s VAT position. It is important to identify these changes as soon as they arise, especially when establishing a company or fund structure.
Although VAT has been harmonised within the EU, the explanation of its legislation in international situations is not always clear or implemented in a consistent way within the EU countries. We can guide you through this.
- conducting due diligence and corresponding reporting, in which the VAT position is confirmed and/or VAT-risks or risks related to customs and other indirect taxes are analysed;
- assessing local and international VAT-consequences, customs and other indirect taxes in relation to your activities;
- solving complex disputes with the tax authorities;
- preparing and/or reviewing VAT returns and corresponding assessments.
Our specialists are up to date with all VAT and related developments, including the developments with respect to the growing digital economy. For more information, please contact one of our key contacts.